Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Various countries' parents punish child's way

    Tolerates child's misdeed, even sought for such as him for child's misdeed to be tired, he has not taken a nap, his mood was not good and so on excuse, was the parents to the child irresponsible performance. The suitable penalty is the love performance, is also the standard child behavior effective measure. The penalty is not by far hits child small fart fart several that simple matter, the penalty is an art.

    New Zealand parents cold treatment: Let the child experience the consequence

    New Zealand Bernny son 2-and-a-half years old, daughter half year old

    In New Zealand, hits the child is one illegal activity, therefore, the parents cannot generally the corporal punishment child. If the son is restless in the public place, so long as does not affect others, Bernny can adopt the cold treatment generally the way treatment child, for instance goes noisily along with him. If affects others, Bernny will hug the child, will place one him quite open and the peaceful place, will let him continue noisily, will suffice noisily until him. Bernny believed that the child noisy is to attract parents' attention or serves his certain purposes through this way.

    If the child saw own does not have the effect restless, he can choose naturally gives up.

    Has a period of time, the eldest child always likes toward in the garden fishpond throwing the cobblestone, and refuses to mend despite repeated admonition. Bernny will say to the son: You have a look, you pounded the small fish have been painful, messed up the basin. The basin is unattractive? Then Bernny will request son's to pick basin in stone. Sometimes, the son also will possibly act shamelessly, is not willing to go to pick the stone. If the son acts shamelessly, Bernny will force him to go generally, he will meet to get down to pick the stone looked to the son. If happen to bumps into the son to make must play with daddy, Bernny taking the opportunity will execute the education to the son: You have a look, you threw the stone the basin, now I must go to pick the stone, did not have the time to accompany you to play. At this time, the son will experience his misdeed the consequence. Therefore, he will understand, he really cannot throw the stone the basin.

    Bernny believed that child we imagine by no means are not so sensible, he is only control almost, therefore, Bernny advocates the parents the child, when the adult looked, from child small time teaches him to learn to undertake the responsibility, studies is restraining itself.

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