Monday, August 23, 2010

cool baby gifts Second generation of test tube baby

The second generation of test-tube baby and the first generation of test-tube baby's difference is mainly the sperm and the egg union way. The first generation of test-tube baby uses the sperm and the egg raises together in vitro, realizes the impregnating process depending on the sperm and egg's free union. Because the second generation of test-tube baby the groom's family sperm quality is not good, therefore the embryo scientist selects the quality best sperm from the limited sperm, then through the superfine needle, under microscope's help, the man-power injects the sperm in the egg. In fact,(Related Articleshomemade gifts for kids The cartoon electric appli), the second generation of test-tube baby technology is the imitation natural fertilization process pours into the sperm with the artificial way in the egg to obtain the fertilization the process.

The second generation of test-tube baby technology in 1992 was born in Belgium, the Chinese first example second generation of test-tube baby in 1996 is born in the Guangzhou Zhongshan Medical University attached first hospital

The third generation test-tube baby is takes out an embryo's cell before the embryonic implantation to carry on the genetics analysis, the screen-out genetic defects embryo, genuine high quality embryonic implantation in vivo process. Certain patients have the obvious familial disease, if the hemophilia, the Mediterranean Sea anemia, may avoid the possibility which through the embryonic selection the descendant is sick.

The third generation test-tube baby's technical difficulty is very big, the main difficulty lies in needs to design and makes the special gene probe to distinguish the unusual gene which in the embryo cell carries.

Fourth generation of test-tube baby

The fourth generation of test-tube baby technology, namely the nucleus transplant technology, is only after the egg takes out, the young patient egg cell nucleus elimination, transplanted again the advanced age patient egg's cell nucleus to the young patient has removed in the cell nucleus egg, raised again grows the embryo.

Other test-tube baby technology introduced:

The immature egg raises (IVM)

The ordinary test-tube baby technology helped many patients to realize had child's dream, but still had a part of patient, if the multi-pouch ovary syndrome and the ovary stimulated the syndrome excessively the patient, on clinical needed to use the immature egg culture technique. This technical characteristic is at the very immature stage in the egg to take out from vivo, and raises the mature egg under in vitro special condition, has like this avoided the multi-pouch ovary syndrome patient egg stimulates the syndrome patient medicine in vivo with difficulty mature question as well as the ovary to press the ovulation with difficulty excessively the difficult problem.

The IVM success ratio is lower than first generation and the second generation of test-tube baby, probably is between 15-30%, the home only then the minority reproduction center has this technology.

Natural period test-tube baby

Recently the natural period test-tube baby is the new method of treatment which 2 two years everybody started to pay attention. Its theory basis is the partial patients themselves has the quite good ovary reserve, definitely may adopt the immature egg culture technique to raise own reserve graafian follicle the mature graafian follicle, then carries on the test-tube baby again. This does not need to use to press the ovulation medicine, has avoided the medicine to ovary's repeated stimulation, reduced the ovary to stimulate excessively, simultaneously also reduced the treatment expense, because the convention test-tube baby treated in the expense the drugs expense to occupy 50%. convention test-tube baby, if after being defeated, usually needed to let the ovary rest for 2-3 months then to carry on next cyclical again the treatment. But natural period, because does not have the medicine to ovary's stimulation, after therefore defeat, may in enter next cyclical immediately in the next month the treatment. This kind of time's continuity has been also more convenient the occupation

The female and the advanced age woman reduce the treatment cycle.

The natural period not yet widely is accepted at present, its success ratio data lacks the explicit literature report now, but thought generally the natural period the success ratio will be lower than presses the ovulatory cycle, the outstanding center may achieve above 30%.

Freezing egg

The freezing egg technology is mainly with the special freezing technology,cool baby gifts, egg freezing storage in liquid nitrogen,baby girls clothes, when needs to use defrosts again the egg. This technology is suitable the patient who as well as loses the ovarian function in the ovary early aging,baby bibs, as well as part hope detention birth's professional female. The ovary early aging or the ovarian function loses the patient, its hope mainly comes from the egg which donates in other patients, may the egg which will donate through the egg freezing technology freeze, to time which needs again takes out the use. Moreover a part of professional female hopes the detention birth, but after worries the age grows, the egg drop in quality, like this may at the young time adopts the freezing technology the egg freezing preserve, when age big later has used again.

This technology's difficulty lies, because in the graafian follicle has the massive liquids, therefore easy to form the ice crystal injury graafian follicle in the process of refrigeration the organizational structure, causes the success ratio to be somewhat low.

The freezing embryo test-tube baby technology may surpass humanity's ovulation limit, makes many eggs through the medicine ovulation in a menstrual cycle, forms many embryos. But many embryonic implantations will not only not raise the success ratio, instead increased the polyembryony occurrence, will increase the maternal infant death and the complication danger. Therefore various countries have the embryo quantity which generally the corresponding laws and regulations limit implants, moreover as a result of the technical progress, international already started to form the single embryonic implantation the tendency. Domestic present stipulation most transplant's embryo quantities are 3. Regarding has surpasses 3 embryo's patients, may freeze the unnecessary high quality embryo in the liquid nitrogen, if transplants the embryo is not successful, may the embryo which freezes in the next treatment cycle transplant. Will freeze embryo's success ratio generally compared to the new cyclical test-tube baby success ratio low 10%.

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