Monday, August 23, 2010

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Lunar year in which the last month has 29 days every day has some tiny changes, but I, because does not have the time to come the record flustered. Last week had to do teaches to visit early the service,(Related Articlespumpkin patch kids clothing The Venice mask, the m), the baby has fallen asleep just in time, only then I have studied first. Actually, she teaches some things I also probably have the understanding, for instance: Usually must tease the baby to smile, makes the game with the baby, teaches the baby pronunciation and so on. Because before, I also on-line read the article which how some do teach early, but baby's individuality, the temperament, likes having the difference respectively, copies mechanically and applies slavishly uses on own baby's body, not necessarily will receive the good result.

I thought that the baby first three months most important are healthily grow. After the plenilune, the weather is getting more and more hot, in the puting on clothes length, cannot turn on the air conditioning, whether to use electricity questions and so on ventilator, I quite beat brains. Because in the plot many are bigger than more than month of babies the lunar year in which the last month has 29 days puts on the long sleeve trousers, but also some 1 year-old baby has not blown the air conditioning until now, it is said is gives the baby with the rush-leaf fan the air fan. After I everywhere consult, decided that puts on the shorts to the baby, also ran specially buys a baby to use to turn the head the small electric fan, certainly as for the air conditioning, evening slept when must open, the temperature hypothesis when 27 degrees then, certainly, she slept I must exchange the long dress trousers to her, meanwhile must cover the towel blanket. As the matter stands, night rested calmly and steadily, no longer each night made a tearful scene, but, the Qi baby had not a good custom, she noisy sleepy. Is when wants to rest had not slept soundly, the small annual meeting makes a tearful scene, she must the bosom rest in mother, moreover must hug is walking back and forth,cheap kids shoes, or gives her humph the nursery song.

Lunar year in which the last month has 29 days goes home after the hospital, with me is resting, night is I in hugs her, when many night, nearby me nursed or roared her to sleep to her to fall asleep but actually first, was too really sleepy is too tired. Luckily, the mother's milk also suffices, otherwise, did not know really how to cope with. Some period of time I feel specially tired, is also agitated, has a fit of temper to baby daddy,kids shoes, more wants to be more suffering from injustice, even starts melancholily, thought after having the baby, not only cannot exiting work, moreover also loses the freedom, has become a professional cow.

Because does not have old person to help us to lead the baby, therefore I can only adapt the mother and housewife's responsibility as soon as possible. Although the present also has baby paternal aunt in the attendance,discount kids costumes, but this is only temporary, later endless long-distance only then I went. Every day nearly is very busily, including the time which accesses the net also does not have, the new book folded a pile to fall ash. Did not know really how later the baby and will write gives dual attention? Thinks of these, the heart feels nervous, such condition is possibly one year, perhaps two years, are three years. Cherishes skill syndrome which the baby falls also not well, the right hand special is not nimble, let alone raises the heavy item, sometimes combs a hair to be able the ache, hope the hand more to use to be more clever, the ache slowly will also vanish. Certainly, all anxious as well as ache, in saw baby's lovable smiling face, after hearing the immature sound which, the baby sends out vanished into thin air.

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