Wednesday, August 4, 2010

baby girls The husbands and wives health care sends the husband incompetent risk behaviour

    Lead: Since the ancient times, the man has entrusted with the mountain great image, actually the man also longs for woman's love. However in the real life, some wife actually unintentionally is attacking husband's self-respect.

    For no reason suspicion fresh calamity

For no reason suspicion fresh calamity

    Protects the good husband's natural self-respect, must first believe husband's sexual morality. To a loyalty, the conduct noble real man, the wife to his suspicion for no reason, will have the enormous injury to its self-respect.

    Zhang Hao is a unit's clerk, the wife small cyanine is on duty in the office. Zhang Haochang handsome,baby girls, diffuse skills, travels on official business frequently, this command small cyanine did not feel relieved very much, for fear that Zhang Haona the day for is enticed in outside by the seductress. Therefore, before Zhang Hao each time travels on official business, the small cyanine must always make love on own initiative to my lord, before she found out the gate, to force-feed him, he easily will not seek the wild game in outside.

    Zhang Hao each time travels on official business comes back, the small cyanine is must come happy impatiently inferior sexual intercourse with my lord, with hers words said that this calls to kill two birds with one stone: A piece of short separation wins newly married, the natural interest makes to cause to so; A husband late at night travels on official business the return, has ridden one day-long train, was really has been tired, but the small cyanine was not willing to let off, must have a sexual intercourse may not. Zhang Hao has rejected, instantly, constrains in the small cyanine heart fire spurts thinly: You had certainly in outside have been intimate, only then did not want me ......Your this not conscience! Zhang Hao sees the wife to speak like this, thought that he is laborious all year round in outside rushes about, is not for this family, the towering rage 0.2 person of lip guns argue heatedly immediately, quarrel are heavily engaged. After this afterward, the couple had a half month not to speak a few words, the marital building has been in imminent danger. Zhang Hao is not that kind of mind very thin person, ever not once thought that the small cyanine will have this idea, after this matter will occur, he will remember no wonder each time travels on official business comes back, the small cyanine will look at own look always strange. For this family, opened vast looks for the small cyanine to discuss well on own initiative one time, the small cyanine also indicated is not to a precedent. However soon, the small cyanine slips back into old ways, young couples separate from each other finally.

    The joke induces the husband sexual impotence

The joke induces the husband sexual impotence

    Protects the good husband's natural self-respect, must believe that the husband is a normal person, he is already not the natural superhuman, also cannot be the nature is incompetent. As the wife, will not attack husband's confidence intentionally generally, but the word will have no intention, the listener will have a mind, sometimes a joke carelessly will have injured husband's natural self-respect.

    The fine jade girl is open and bright, likes cracking a joke. The wedding night, she was supporting into the nuptial chamber with my lord, after two person of takes off your coat went to bed, small fine jade both eyes micro shut, the over the face blood flushes, were preparing to greet make that moment arrival which one led a befuddled life as if drunk or dreaming, had not thought that my lord's that did not make every effort to succeed, a contact was just flowing.

    The small fine jade somewhat is at heart discontented, as soon as but looked that the husband that asthma like cow's appearance, suddenly feels funnily, had not thought that your this project manager does good, does this `project ' actually the such disappointing joke then to blurt out, the husband is embarrassed the over the face to be very red immediately. From now, each time when crosses the sex life, the small fine jade's husband would not on own initiative to remember that joke which the small fine jade said that gradually, his this project manager does this project to come really somewhat lacked the ability to do what one would like. Actually, takes the knowledge feminine small fine jade, also understood husband when primary sexual intercourse has that kind of situation the truth, although is a joke, actually has created the so serious consequence to the husband, also has left behind the shadow which for own newly married life motions a person to not go, the small fine jade is really the regret. Afterward, underwent psychologist's treatment and in small fine jade attentive, under encouraged, slightly carved the husband has rallied the strong wind finally.

    Mr. Zhao and wives are the office workers, is very busy day in day out, in addition housework numerous and diverse,discount designer kids clothing, after undergoing 5 year marriage the baptism, they start to feel, now strolls in the sexual affection rivers, has aroused in former days that kind of passion difficult situation with difficulty, all appear such ordinary, as if routine business 0.1 days, Mr. Zhao borrowed several small video disks from elsewhere, evening the couple closed the gate to look. Looked at one, this is unable to restrain an institute which to somebody who has been through passerby that zi indulges in sensual pleasure clear by the video disk to infect, the feeling feelings of love ripple, one's blood bubbles up to the brim. One side them looks at the video disk, at the same time study inside such hugged in one. However in the reality, Mr. Zhao is impossible to look like the actor to perform such can withstand protracted war's tossing about, perhaps is too the fervor reason, several Mr. Zhao then has not stepped down. But his wife actually floor show, had not looked that the husband paralysis in there that pitiful look, is unable to restrain to rebuke said: Looks at you, likes taking advantage of these, oneself are not good. Mr. Zhao feels too ashamed to be in public immediately. In the later sex life, Mr. Zhao the old love recalled in the small video disk that and wife's words come, this kind of relapse's contrast lets him think that he some are not really good.

    The gracious gift sexual affection lets the husband reluctantly

The gracious gift sexual affection lets the husband reluctantly

    If the wife attaches outside too many sentimental regarding the sex life the conditions, the natural regard to husband's reward, that has already injuried husband's natural self-respect, also blasphemed the nature.

    The husband interest is very sometimes high, but perhaps the wife does not have how many nature interest, from the start does not want to make love with the husband, therefore puts forward the request to the husband: Tomorrow morning will hit to me washes the face the water, tomorrow morning's breakfast turns over to you to buy; Makes love may, but that big trough clothes may turn over to you to wash! When the husband complied his request, only then the take off your coat sees off, as soon as moves also motionless allows husband's devastation. It can be imagined, this kind of very reluctant sex life lets the husband helpless, the quality not be able to be high absolutely very.

    When the couple are supporting prepares to enter the condition,kids shoes, possibly this time husband nonchalant words, make a wife feeling to be disgruntled, the result she then comes the sexual affection slam on the brakes, first one flings,(Related Articlesbaby blanket The buckle clothing heavy fist will l), carries one revolution, does not stretch the rules to leave behind the back which to the husband lets somebody cool off or calm down. When before the couple are carrying on the sexual affection, play to prepare, because perhaps husband's some movement has swept wife's being popular, she be relentless has then drawn in the sexual affection curtain. Will bump into this kind of situation, the warm-blooded son who the fervor will resemble the fire will how also have falls suddenly the ice hole, all over the body icy cold feeling.

    Takes the nature to husband's reward, treats as to husband's one gracious gift phenomenon, especially is serious in the male strong female weak husbands and wives and in the male weak woman husbands and wives. Speaking of the former, the weak trend wife wants to adopt natural this way to come with the husband to measure strength: Looked that you are spirited, not must prostrate oneself under mine pomegranate skirt. As for the latter, the wife who is at the powerhouse position somewhat despises the husband in the heart of hearts, will not let the husband be easily attainable easily in the natural aspect.

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