Monday, August 16, 2010

top toddler toys Prints my mothering magic weapon minute size!

Today went to the supermarket shopping, saw bought double collects the ham intestines full 20 Yuan to bestow the radiant plush toy. Sub-triumphant is very likes radiantly, today happen to gives the child triumphant free collar one. (tomorrow will come on picture again)
Sub-goes home to see triumphantly radiantly,top toddler toys, was first for pastes the label has compared radiantly in the family household, told me: It is not equally dissimilar. Afterward saw the radiant foot bifurcation told me: Smelly bifurcation bifurcation smelly bifurcation bifurcation.
Before noon sleeps, also requests for to tell the story radiantly, I asked: What story tells? Sub-answers triumphantly: Small blue rabbit. For told the story triumphantly radiantly, the boy very quick falls asleep.
Evening sub-triumphant takes in there was looking radiantly her smelly bifurcation bifurcation, I asked: Whose bifurcation bifurcation sub-triumphant and is radiant to be big? Sub-answers triumphantly: I. I asked again: That sub-triumphant and daddy's bifurcation bifurcation whose big? The sub-triumphant response is very quick: Daddy is big. I also asked: That sub-triumphant and mother's bifurcation bifurcation? Sub-answers triumphantly: Mother is big. I for sub-triumphant reply applause: The sub-triumphant child is triumphant you to be really good, and has raised up the thumb. Lovable sub-triumphant together is also making the movement with mother. Several simple questions let sub-differentiate the size triumphantly.
Attainment: The education side us, anytime and anywhere may teach the child. The books knowledge is too abstract, buys the book to teach the baby to differentiate the size, in the might as well casual that life thing differentiates to the baby.
This let me remember the once colleague to me saying that how to let the baby differentiate the color. He gives the baby pile of vehicles to let the baby differentiate the color, the baby not according to his meaning minute, but puts the design same automobile the same place. I tell him you to give the baby pile of automobiles he not according to yours meaning minute, this explained that you give baby's thing to have very many discrimination methods, the baby have your idea, he puts the design same automobile is very together good. I tell him: You may give the baby the simple spot, lets the baby understand at a glance that mother is lets him differentiate the color.
I am such do in sub-triumphant study discrimination color this link: I first time have given the sub-triumphant pile of five pointed stars, sub-understood at a glance triumphantly same puts at the same place the color, the sub-triumphant discrimination is very good. I tell him this am according to the color discrimination. Saw triumphantly by the descendants the thing will say the color to me. Sub-speaks incorrectly is triumphantly frequently,girls clothes, moreover in sub-triumphant glossary on black red green yellow. I on more than once tell the child the triumphant correct color, this time cannot remember,funny baby bibs, will tell again next time.

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