Saturday, September 4, 2010

infant baby clothes The breast feeding baby is helpful new mother losing weight to prevent disease

Many people thought that nursing can compete for mother own nutrition,infant baby clothes, is disadvantageous to the mother body.

Fact just right opposite, the expert pointed out that not only breast feeding has many advantage to the baby, also has quite many advantage to mother.

The parturient woman does not nurse easily mastitis

People's Liberation Army second O two hospital gynecology and obstetrics department Director Li the megalodactylia leaves, post-natal rejects mother who nurses, will possibly suffer from the acute mastitis.

Because the female has a child nursing is the natural physiological phenomenon, after the child is born, breast swelling, the ache is the very normal phenomenon, so long as rubs promptly the milk nucleus nurses then. Otherwise, once stops up the mammary gland, the ache is secondary, will suffer from mastitis to suffer more pain.

Nurses is advantageous in post-natal losing weight models the shape

Director Li Ju said that when post-natal nurses, in baby's suction process, meets reflectively promotes the mother pitocin secretion, promotes the mother womb's contraction, can make the post-natal womb soon to restore, thus reduces the post-natal complication. Moreover,popular kids toys, nurses to the child is advantageous in consumes the gestation period in vivo stack the fat,baby boutique bedding, promotes the mother physique restoration.

Moreover, the clinical experience indicated that not only will nurse the breast to the child not to sag, because instead will nurse the relations will let the breast increase, if can coordinate the right amount movement, the breast before was also more attractive than, simultaneously nursed can also help mothers to restore the build as soon as possible.

May reduce contracts breast cancer probability

Nursed to the child, promoted the milk secretion, but reduced the mother mammary gland carcinogenesis effectively the possibility.

In the breast feeding process, mother and the baby flesh, the vision, the language contact and the exchange, may promote the mother and the baby parent-child sentiment establishment, may also enable mother to obtain in psychological satisfying.

Everything after the childbirth has the milk healthy mother, best as far as possible nurtures the baby, because if certain special reasons cannot insist that nurtures the baby for a long time, should better use the mother's milk to feed the first baby 6 months nurture 3 months later at least, then again uses other methods to feed.


International breast feeding motion alliance determination every year August 1 on ~7th for world breast feeding week.

This year the world breast feeding week's subject supports breast feeding, wins the life first gold medal, its goal is lets the entire society understand support breast feeding the value and the significance.

A cruising data indicated that 97.4% baby mother approve breast feeding freely the importance, but because the maternity leave ended, the work bustled about, the physical condition and so on detachment condition's limit,(Related Articles[Austria Austria and uncle]), only some 55.8% people prepared pure breast feeding to 6 months.

The female working pressure is now big, work place mother nurses the question to highlight day after day, when world breast feeding week, the experts appealed that the young mother should act according to own situation to overcome difficulties, strives for according to World Health Organization's proposition, pure breast feeding to 6 months.

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